Fully Fairtrade and traceable partner cooperatives
Our raw materials come from the best origins: cocoa from Peru and Santo Domingo, organic coconuts from Sri Lanka and coffee from the Congo. This guarantees a ‘fully traceable’ supply chain from producer to consumer.
Belvas uses coffee Comequi which comes from Kivu in the Congo.

Kivu coffee is a vector for local development: the Kivu region, situated at altitude and benefiting from a hot, humid climate, offers ideal conditions for the production of high-quality Arabica coffee. This project is the starting point for Comequi’s activities.
Since it was set up in 2008, and whatever the security situation in the D.R. Congo, Comequi has pursued its objective of giving the rural population on the shores of Lake Kivu, and more particularly in the Minova region, the means to carry out sustainable development initiatives themselves, in order to increase their income and improve their living conditions.
To achieve your goal, Comequi :
- works to improve coffee production, helping, supervising and training coffee growers
- encourages the creation of cooperatives to bring together local players
- promotes agricultural production that meets fair trade and organic standards
- support for income-generating activities
- invests in social and educational training for local players (schools and rural associations)
More informations on Comequi: https://comequi.org